Business Angels

Private Investors

Startups Saviors

Private investors are often wealthy individuals looking for a profitable return in a viable business venture, and also known as business angels or angel investors – will also offer networking opportunities and business connections or sometimes take on a management role in their invested company. They are a key source to raise startup capital for the businesses.

Pros of Private Investors

Firstly, it is not a loan & an easier funding option than sourcing loans from the bank. The loan option comes with a mandatory tag of “Repayment” at any cost. Private money financing doesn’t imply a traditional bank finance process. It doesn’t require any credit or proven financial history, like in the case of business lenders & bank financing and as a result saving a great deal of time for yours. Investors are backed with years of knowledge and investment experience. Their accomplishments and mastery are a great source of knowledgeable insights.